Publications based on IsoLife’s products in top-rated journals (IF >10)


Bertran-Llorens S, F Perondi, AL Slama de Freitas, J Chen, G van Erven, PJ Deuss. 2024.
Supercritical CO2 as effective wheat straw pretreatment for subsequent mild fractionation strategies.
Chemical Engineering Journal 497: 154491.

Xiao X, Y Zhou, X Li, J Jin, J Durham, Z Ye, Y Wang, B Hennig, P Deng. 2024.
13C-Stable isotope resolved metabolomics uncovers dynamic biochemical landscape of gut microbiome-host organ communications in mice.
Microbiome 12: 90.

Duran K, M Kohlstedt, G van Erven, CE Klostermann, AHP America, E Bakx, JJP Baars, A Gorissen, R de Visser, RP de Vries, C Wittmann, RNJ Comans, TW Kuyper, MA Kabel. 2024.
From 13C-lignin to 13C-mycelium: Agaricus bisporus uses polymeric lignin as a carbon source.
Science Advances 10: eadl3419.

Xue Y, Li H, Kang X. 2024.
Molecular unraveling of polysaccharide digestion in wood-feeding termites: A solid-state NMR perspective.
Carbohydrate Polymers: 121843.

Nelson TF, D Rothauer, M Sander, S Mecking. 2023.
Degradable and recyclable polyesters from multiple chain length bio- and waste-sourceable monomers.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62: e202310729.

Wu S, J Bougoure, J Wang, L Thomsen, T-S Chan, Q Yi, Z Li, G Southam, L Huang. 2023.
Nitrogen-rich organic matter formation and stabilization in iron ore tailings: A submicrometer investigation.
Environmental Science & Technology 57: 12325–12338.

Wei W, CC Wong, Z Jia, W Liu, C Liu, F Ji, Y Pan, F Wang, G Wang, L Zhao, ESH Chu, X Zhang, JJY Sung, J Yu. 2023.
Parabacteroides distasonis uses dietary inulin to suppress NASH via its metabolite pentadecanoic acid.
Nature Microbiology 8: 1534–1548.

Kou X, E. Morriën, Y Tian, X Zhang, C Lu, H Xie, W Liang, Q Li, C. Liang. 2023.
Exogenous carbon turnover within the soil food web strengthens soil carbon sequestration through microbial necromass accumulation.
Global Change Biology 29: 4069–4080.

Taipale SJ, C Rigaud, ML Calderini, MJ Kainz, M Pilecky, S Uusi-Heikkilä, JS Vesamäki, K Vuorio, M Tiirola. 2023.
The second life of terrestrial and plastic carbon as nutritionally valuable food for aquatic consumers.
Ecology Letters 26: 1336–1347.

Li H, X Kang, M Yang, BD Kasseney, X Zhou, S Liang, X Zhang, J-L Wen, B Yu, N Liu, Y Zhao, J Mo, CR Currie, J Ralph, DJ Yelle. 2023.
Molecular insights into the evolution of woody plant decay in the gut of termites.
Science Advances 9 eadg1258.

Palmer M, JK Covington, E-M Zhou, SC Thomas, N Habib, CO Seymour, D Lai, J Johnston, A Hashimi, J-Y Jiao, AR Muok, L Liu, W-D Xian, X-Y Zhi, M-M Li, LP Silva, BP Bowen, Ke Louie, A Briegel, J Pett-Ridge, PK Weber, EI Tocheva, T Woyke, TR Northen, X Mayali, W-J Li, BP Hedlund. 2023.
Thermophilic Dehalococcoidia with unusual traits shed light on an unexpected past.
NATURE – The ISME Journal 17: 952–966.

Zeng X, X Xing, M Gupta, FC Keber, JG Lopez, Y-CJ Lee, A Roichman, L Wang, MD Neinast, MS Donia, M Wühr, C Jang, JD Rabinowitz. 2022.
Gut bacterial nutrient preferences quantified in vivo.
Cell 185: 3441–3456..

Chellappa K, MR McReynolds, W Lu, X Zeng, M Makarov, F Hayat, S Mukherjee, YR Bhat, SR Lingala, RT Shima, HC Descamps, T Cox, L Ji, C Jankowski, Q Chu, SM Davidson, CA Thaiss, ME Migaud, JD Rabinowitz, JA Baur. 2022.
NAD precursors cycle between host tissues and the gut microbiome.
Cell Metabolism 34: 1947-1959.

Nelson TF, R Baumgartner, M Jaggi, SM Bernasconi, G Battagliarin, C Sinkel, A Künkel, H-P E Kohler, K McNeill, M Sander. 2022.
Biodegradation of poly(butylene succinate) in soil laboratory incubations assessed by stable carbon isotope labelling.
NATURE Communications 13: 5691.

Miao Y, Y Lin, Z Chen, H Zheng, Y Niu, Y Kuzyakov, D Liu, W Ding. 2022.
Fungal key players of cellulose utilization: Microbial networks in aggregates of long-term fertilized soils disentangled using 13C-DNA-stable isotope probing.
Science of the Total Environment 832: 155051.

Kirui A, W Zhao, F Deligey, H Yang, X Kang, F Mentink-Vigier, T Wang. 2022.
Carbohydrate-aromatic interface and molecular architecture of lignocellulose.
NATURE Communications 13: 538.

Poulsen JS, N de Jonge, WV Macêdo, FR Dalby, A Feilberg, JL Nielsen. 2022.
Characterisation of cellulose-degrading organisms in an anaerobic digester.
Bioresource Technology 351: 126933.

Duran K, M van den Dikkenberg, G van Erven, JJP Baars, RNJ Comans, TW Kuyper, MA Kabel. 2022.
Microbial lignin degradation in an industrial composting environment.
Bioresource Technology Reports 17: 100911.

Poulhazan A, MC Dickwella Widanage, A Muszynski, AA Arnold, DE Warschawski, P Azadi, I Marcotte, T Wang. 2021.
Identification and quantification of glycans in whole cells: Architecture of microalgal polysaccharides described by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143: 19374−19388.

Neubauer D, O Kolmakova, J Woodhouse, R Taube, K Mangelsdorf, M Gladyshev, K Premke, H-P Grossart. 2021.
Zooplankton carcasses stimulate microbial turnover of allochthonous particulate organic matter.
NATURE – The ISME Journal 15: 1735–1750.

Hilgers R, G van Erven, V Boerkamp, I Sulaev, A Potthast, MA Kabel, J-P Vincken. 2020.
Understanding laccase/HBT-catalyzed grass delignification at the molecular level.
Green Chemistry 22: 1735-1746.

Terrett OM, JJ Lyczakowski, L Yu, D Luga, WT Franks, SP Brown, R Dupree, P Dupree. 2019.
Molecular architecture of softwood revealed by solid-state NMR.
NATURE Communications 10: 4978.

Tsugawa H, R Nakabayashi, T Mori, Y Yamada, M Takahashi, A Rai, R Sugiyama, H Yamamoto, T Nakaya, M Yamazaki, R Kooke, JA Bac-Molenaar, N Oztolan-Erol, JJB Keurentjes, M Arita , K Saito. 2019.
A cheminformatics approach to characterize metabolomes in stable-isotope-labeled organisms.
NATURE Methods 16: 295-298.

Kang X, A Kirui, MC Dickwella Widanage, F Mentink-Vigier, DJ Cosgrove, T Wang. 2019.
Lignin-polysaccharide interactions in plant secondary cell walls revealed by solid-state NMR.
NATURE Communications 10: 347.

Kaplan H, S Ratering, P Felix-Henningsen, S Schnell. 2019.
Stability of in situ immobilization of trace metals with different amendments revealed by microbial 13C-labelled wheat root decomposition and efflux-mediated metal resistance of soil bacteria.
Science of The Total Environment 
NATURE Communications 10: 347.

Moreno JL, IF Torres, C García, R López-Mondéjar, F Bastida. 2019.
Land use shapes the resistance of the soil microbial community and the C cycling response to drought in a semi-arid area.
Science of the Total Environment 648: 1018–1030.

Kang X, A Kirui, A Muszyński, MC Dickwella Widanage, A Chen, P Azadi, P Wang, F Mentink-Vigier, T Wang. 2018.
Molecular architecture of fungal cell walls revealed by solid-state NMR.
NATURE Communications 9: 2747.

Cao X, K Schmidt-Rohr. 2018.
Abundant nonprotonated aromatic and oxygen-bonded carbons make humic substances distinct from biopolymers.
Environmental Science and Technology Letters 5: 476-480.

López-Mondéjar R, V Brabcová, M Štursová, A Davidová, J Jansa, T Cajthaml, P Baldrian. 2018.
Decomposer food web in a deciduous forest shows high share of generalist microorganisms and importance of microbial biomass recycling.
NATURE – The ISME Journal 12: 1768–1778.

Trevathan-Tackett SM, ACG Thomson, PJ Ralph, PI Macreadie. 2018.
Fresh carbon inputs to seagrass sediments induce variable microbial priming responses.
Science of the Total Environment 621: 663–669.

Segura JH, MB Nilsson, M Haei, T Sparrman, JP Mikkola, J Gräsvik, J Schleucher, MG Öquist. 2017.
Microbial mineralization of cellulose in frozen soils.
NATURE Communications 8: 1154.

Cheng L, N Zhang, M Yuan, J Xiao, Y Qin, Y Deng, Q Tu, K Xue, JD Van Nostrand, L Wu, Z He, X Zhou, MB Leigh, KT Konstantinidis, EAG Schuur, Y Luo, JM Tiedje, J Zhou. 2017.
Warming enhances old organic carbon decomposition through altering functional microbial communities.
NATURE – The ISME Journal 11: 1825–1835.

Wakerley DW, MF Kuehnel, KL Orchard, KH Ly, TE Rosser, E Reisner. 2017.
Solar-driven reforming of lignocellulose to H2 with a CdS/CdOx photocatalyst.
NATURE Energy 2: 17021.

Nakabayashi R, K Saito. 2017.
Ultrahigh resolution metabolomics for S-containing metabolites.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 43: 8-16.

Leung HTC, KR Maas, RC Wilhelm, WW Mohn. 2016.
Long-term effects of timber harvesting on hemicellulolytic microbial populations in coniferous forest soils.
NATURE – The ISME Journal 10: 363-375.

Guhr A, W Borken, M Spohn, E Matzner. 2015.
Redistribution of soil water by a saprotrophic fungus enhances carbon mineralization.
PNAS 112: 14647-14651.

Foston M, HL Trajano, R Samuel, CE Wyman, J He, AJ Ragauskas. 2015.
Recalcitrance and structural analysis by water-only flowthrough pretreatment of 13C enriched corn stover stem.
Bioresource Technology 197: 128-136.

Dorado C, CA Mullen, AA Boateng. 2015.
Origin of carbon in aromatic and olefin products derived from HZSM-5 catalyzed co-pyrolysis of cellulose and plastics via isotopic labeling.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 162: 338-345.

Frost G, ML Sleeth, M Sahuri-Arisoylu, B Lizarbe, S Cerdan, L Brody, J Anastasovska, S Ghourab, M Hankir, S Zhang, D Carling, JR Swann, G Gibson, A Viardot, D Morrison, EL Thomas, JD Bell. 2014.
The short-chain fatty acid acetate reduces appetite via a central homeostatic mechanism.
NATURE Communications 5: 3611.

Bueschl C, B Kluger, M Lemmens, G Adam, G Wiesenberger, V Maschietto, A Marocco, J Strauss, S Bödi, GG Thallinger, R Krska, R Schuhmacher. 2013.
A novel stable isotope labelling assisted workflow for improved untargeted LC–HRMS based metabolomics research.
Metabolomics 10: 754-769.

Paul BK, IM Lubbers, JW van Groenigen. 2012.
Residue incorporation depth is a controlling factor of earth-worm induced nitrous oxide emissions.
Global Change Biology 18: 1141-1151.

Kiers TE, M Duhamel, Y Beesetty, JA Mensah, O Franken, E Verbruggen, CR Fellbaum, GA Kowalchuk, MM Hart, A Bago, TM Palmer, SA West, P Vandenkoornhuyse, J Jansa, H Bücking. 2011. (see Applications)
Reciprocal rewards stabilize cooperation in the mycorrhizal symbiosis.
SCIENCE 333: 880-882.

Waldrop MP, JW Harden. 2008.
Interactive effects of wildfire and permafrost on microbial communities and soil processes in an Alaskan black spruce forest. (see Applications)
Global Change Biology 14: 1-12.

Cristescu SM, ST Persijn, S te Lintel Hekkert, FJM Harren. 2008.
Laser-based systems for trace gas detection in life sciences.
Applied Physics B92: 343-349.

Dueck TA, R. de Visser, H Poorter, S Persijn, A Gorissen, W de Visser, A Schapendonk, J Verhagen, J Snel, FJM. Harren, AKY Ngai, F Verstappen, H Bouwmeester, LACJ Voesenek, A van der Werf. 2007.
No evidence for substantial aerobic methane emission by terrestrial plants: A 13C-labelling approach.
New Phytologist 175: 29-35.