We develop, produce and sell depleted, partially, and uniformly 13C-labelled (0.1 to >97 atom %13C) compounds derived from food plants, trees, herbs, algae, and fungi. These intrinsically labelled compounds are used as Stable Isotope Tracers and Internal Standards in research and diagnostics in the Life Sciences. We deliver our products to private companies and public research organisations worldwide.
Applying a 13C-tracer is like ringing birds to keep track of your plant components of interest.
Stable isotopes like 13C and 15N are completely safe and consumer-friendly as they are non-radioactive. Our products – with an isotopic abundance ranging from 0.1% to 99% – enable scientists in medical, nutritional, biochemical, ecological, and environmental sciences to track and trace transport and transformations in living organisms and the environment. For instance, products like 13C Cellulose are successfully applied as ‘positive biodegradation controls’ and are used in biochemical research to boost the speed of NMR analyses by >200 times, and in nutritional research to support health claims (Applications | Example Nutrition).
Applying a 13C-internal standard is like adding an error-correcting yardstick to your samples.
You can accurately quantify your analytes, independent of time, place, sample composition, processing method, operator or apparatus used. Stable isotope-labelled phytochemicals or plant extracts are used as Internal Standards for quantification, and also for identification, and quality control of metabolites in natural, unlabelled samples by LC-MS or GC-MS techniques in metabolomics (Applications | Example Metabolomics).
IsoLife is a spin-off company of Wageningen UR, The Netherlands. IsoLife has its residence in Wageningen – City of Life Sciences – situated in the Dutch Food Valley and Health Valley.
IsoLife has been identified by FEM Business Tech 25 as one of 25 young, innovative companies who ‘shake the market with brilliant ideas‘.
IsoLife has received the TechnoPartner Certificate from the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs for her ‘courage and perseverence to innovate‘.