IsoLife – Stable Isotope Labelled Plant Products for the Life Sciences

Contact form


    Field of interest*:

    When do you need the product(s)?

    How did you find us?:

    Henri Veroude, Head Sales

    Postal Address:
    IsoLife bv
    P.O. Box 349
    NL-6700 AH Wageningen

    Delivery Address:
    IsoLife bv, Wageningen Campus, Bornsesteeg 48A,
    Radix klima building 109, NL-6708 PE Wageningen

    Visiting Address:
    IsoLife bv, Wageningen Campus, Droevendaalsesteeg 1,
    Radix building 107, NL-6708 PB Wageningen

    Our location at Wageningen campus