Fu et al. 2024. Shift of microbial taxa and metabolisms relying on carbon sources of rhizodeposits and straw of Zea mays L. TickerBy Ton13/09/2024
Lannuzel C et al. 2024. Particle size of insoluble fibres and gelation of soluble fibres influence digesta passage rate throughout the gastrointestinal tract of finishing pigs. TickerBy Ton13/09/2024
Moxley-Paquette et al. 2024. Exploration of materials for three-dimensional NMR microcoil production via CNC micromilling and laser etching. TickerBy Ton13/09/2024
Bertran-Llorens. 2024. Supercritical CO2 as effective wheat straw pretreatment for subsequent mild fractionation strategies. TickerBy Ton13/09/2024
Xue Y et al. 2024. Quantitative and structural characterization of native lignin in hardwood and softwood bark via solid-state NMR spectroscopy. TickerBy Ton13/09/2024